1. Safi Skincare Range - first cleanser guwa is Safi Balqis. the one that for whitening tuu. pernah try whole range of Safi Gamat, Safi Aloe Vera. semua Safi laa. start pakai masa Form 1 (*kott?). sebab mama yang introduce since start masuk high school, muka guwa berminyak gila macam kuali roti canai. and even can masak roti canai pakai minyak kat muka guwa ni haa. (*ayat taknak kalah. gebang itu perlu). antara yang terlama guwa pakai. dari form 1, stop sekejap time form 4, pastu sambung balik until degree sem 1. which is until i'm 19 years old. so far, oke je. decent cleanser. tak buat muka berminyak, tak rasa tegang, tak rasa drying ponn lepas basuh. tapi discontinue use masa sem 2 degree sebab kulit muka rasa panas and jerawat tumbuh macam pokok senduduk. sebab kulit rosak i guess. sem 2 da start kawad kaki and overdose of sun exposure. so the product when applied did stung my face, and resulted in more damages and breakouts. maybe Safi did cancels my sunblock. tu yang muka jadi teruk. mostly because tak sesuai dengan keadaan kulit guwa masa tu. and so, stop pakai and bermula laa perjalanan mencari "The Ultimate Cleanser".
2. Himalaya Neem Face Wash - oke, setakat guwa hidup berapa tahun kat atas planet bumi ni, guwa rasa ni antara cleanser yang terlama guwa pakai after Safi. guwa pakai masa Form 4. used 1 large tube of its cleanser untuk combat acne. before this, takde pimples sangat. just oily skin and Safi can handle oiliness quite well. but masa form 4, maybe stress duduk kat class pure science, learning those bios and chemy and darn physics, jerawat naik mengganas macam raksasa gorgon. gantung kejap Safi, and pakai Himalaya. well, quite good. in few days (*around 5 days), can see the differences already. jerawat da start turun, and kulit jadi sejuk (* ohh btw, i had this kulit rasa macam panas and tingly when i had pimples or acnes), so bila pakai Himalaya, kulit rasa sejuk je. this was during form 4 laa. sekarang guwa still pakai Himalaya. same range, same cleanser. but i just found out that the effectiveness changes. or it just me? same cleanser but da tak berapa nak berkesan. used for long time but why did i feel my pimples and my scars are getting visible? dulu rasa macam pimple scar tak berapa nak visible, but nowadays, pergi bilik member, they just 'faa, muka kau kenapa? macam makin teruk je?'. and i was ultimately speechless. sebab rasanya sem ni antara sem yang paling banyak guwa menjga kulit guwa. berapa round guwa beli lotion sebab nak jaga kulit. haha. and, mostly visible aftermath effects are, kulit guwa jadi sensitive gila beby, flushed face (*merah around the blush spot), scarring more visible, skin became taut and dry. the blush effects tuu guwa tak kisah sangat. sebab nampak cam comel laa pulak kulit pink pink beby gittew. (*comel? sila muntah pelangi sekarang). tapi what matter most is that shitty sensitive dry facial skin. which is teruk. bayangkan kau kulit kering, but kau tak boleh buat pape, not even tampal moisturizer sebab kulit akan react aggressively. not even can change to other cleanser, sebab kulit akan react and brokeout. bukan takat cleanser je, memang da tak boleh buat pape un. tak boleh pakai moisturizer, tak ley pakai bedak sejuk, tak ley pakai seaweed mask, takley nak spray thermal water etc. just boleh tepek bedak semata mata untuk pergi kuliah. it hurts my pride and face so much. TT_TT (*in fact, guwa even bagi separuh barang mekap guwa kat mama. hadn't have too much makeups though. only some eyeliners, powder cake and some bb creams, rarely used). lepas sensitif skin tragedy tuu, guwa still tak tukar lagi. sebab takde idea nak tukar brand apa, and fear of getting more sensitive if i change product. lagiponn, a few weeks after that tragedy, guwa pergi farmasi and beli Evening Primrose Oil capsule. so sensitivity and flare ups tuu significantly berkurang and guwa happy. sekarang still stick lagi dengan Himalaya, but reading reviews and getting ready to toss it up. ohh yes, this cleanser is gel-type, so it doesn't foam much. i did double rinse when i did use BB cream beforehand, just to feel this 'squeaky clean' feel. just to ensure traces of BB didn't clogged up my pores and broke my skin later.
3. Spray Type Mist - my first spray will be Bio Essence Miracle Bio Water. love it to the max! sangat berkesan. refreshing, set up my powder, reduce shine and makes my panda eyes less visible. since guwa pakai BB cream often (*mostly when i'm out having classes and tutors and replacement classes, depending on my mood), sometime tertepek banyak pulak BB creams nye. so end up having this fake and cakey face. so, nak set up balik BB tuu, guwa akan spray Bio Water ni. sekejap je, ka-ching! dewy faces! and guwa pakai lepas berjemur matahari. and malam malam kalau malas nak letak seaweed mask, guwa spray je benda ni. and kadang kadang kalau malas, spray, tepek powder johnson tu pastu jalan. convenient an? just spray and go. sebabkan terlampau konvinien tulaa benda ni cepat habis. tempting dohh. even muka tak berminyak ponn rasa nak spray je sebab nak rasa sejuk and glowing dewy effects tu. sekarang, benda ni da 3 minggu habis, takde duit nak beli. sobs. and the sad fact is, guwa gamble beli SimplySiti White & Detox Mist Toner over this one when i had money to buy it. and i regret for not buying Miracle Water. haritu, keluar beli stok makanan dekat SACC. then masuk Watson. niat memang nak beli Miracle Water but then, tengok shelf alamak.. RM23.90. takde offer. first buy dulu which was 3 months back then, bought it at RM19.90 dekat Fahrenheit. masa tuu keluar dengan Encik Ehem. tapi rasa macam mahal je dekat SACC ni an. pastu terpandang pulak SimplySiti ni. packaging cantik, pink gittew, besaw murah pulak (*100ml for Rm19). guwa ponn ka-ching, beli and pakai. and, i'm not into it. menyesal sungguh. the mist is kinda sticky on my face, it didn't make my skin dewy nor refresh it. all i felt is oiliness and stickiness. maybe sebab content dia differ with my other products kott. da terbiasa pakai thermal water, tetiba spray mist yang contains all niacinamide, green tea, honey tuu, so kulit guwa rasa berat. and i felt unclean. and zits starts to popped out, again. during this time, i went on vacation with my family around area Pangkor and Cameron Highland. cuaca agak sejuk and banyak exposed to aircond. spray this mist, but still went sticky and face went shiny all over like sambal nasi lemak terlebih minyak. don't like it and not going to repurchase it. but still, i favor SimplySiti product. just this range, doesn't suit me. better opt for the old thermal water kott.
4. Loreal Perfect White Milky Cleanser - best. used 2 tubes of this. ohh first time beli masa kat Giant seksyen 7, masa tu keluar makan dengan Ehem. singgah guardian and nampak product ni on sale. since cleanser ponn da habis, and nak cepat, rembat jelaa mende alah ni. malas nak cari mana Himalaya. ohh yes, its a foaming cleanser but i wonder, ni lagi cepat habis dari my Himalaya gel cleanser. sebab tu sempat guna sampai 2 tube. applied too much kott? loreal is okay, feel squeaky clean, removes make ups, but since after my internship end, acne naik and i revert back to Himalaya. so far pakai tak rasa putih ponn. mungkin kena pakai whole range untuk nampak putih kott. tapi orait je. decent cleaser. cleans well. tak trigger jerawat sedia ada. :P
5. Cetaphil - mother of all cleanser kott. baca review, banyak gila yang points pros of this holy cleanser. (*read my words: holy). takde laa page yang tak cakap cetaphil ni tak bagus. kalau ada ponn, satu atau dua blog yang contest cakap Cetaphil ni dangerous. tapi backed up by doctors comments and more than few Cetaphil-fags. ohh and if you notice, 2012 blogpost guwa ponn, guwa ada review jugak pasal cetaphil ni. dulu ada pakai untuk 1 bottle, pastu stop sebab gatal tangan nak revert balik ke Himalaya. so far, takde masalah dengan Cetaphil. kulit guwa tak sensitif lepas pakai, tak kering, tak oily, jerawat lessens. only the price is a lil pricey for a student like me, and the package! so big. not jamban- and travel-friendly. botol lagi besar dari bakul barang mandi itself. =.= tu antara reason kenapa guwa give up Cetaphil.
sekarang ni, since kulit guwa da kurang sensitif due to the fact that i consumed skin supplement (*primrose capsule), guwa ingat nak tukar cleanser. sebab current cleanser ni macam tak berapa nak menjadi da. tadi baca review pasal Cetaphil. ingat nak revert balik kepada Cetaphil sebab guwa ponn memang ada sebotol besaw lagi Cetaphil kat bilik. nak bagi orang rasa macam rugi sebab beli mahal. hehe. tapi takpe, research dulu Cetaphil ni. sebab da taknak da gamble kulit muka guwa. i'm now 22, and da tak mampu da nak generate kulit dengan cepat as i was during my prim 18 years old. err, my 2 cents, panjang pulak guwa tulis ni. kbai.
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*a gist of me. just if you wonder how do i looked nowadays. and saja nak tunjuk, guwa da hantar FYP. mohon jeles. :P* |